There is a new museum in Potsdam. A museum that makes it to the main news with its spectacular exhibitions. The thjnk-digital team under my creative direction has implemented the website and the social media communication.
Startseite Bühne © Museum Barberini + thjnk
The Barberini Museum opened in January 2017 with incredible success. And with the new exhibition it will again break all records for visitor numbers. In the run-up to the reopening, we have won a pitch for digital communication. With the website we underline the uniqueness and the high standards of the museum. It was particularly important that the site is highly visitor-oriented and that art is made accessible and can be experienced by everyone, everywhere.
Museum Barberini on FacebookAusstellungsmodul © Museum Barberini + thjnk
Catalogue module © Museum Barberini + thjnk
People module © Museum Barberini + thjnk
The website of the Barberini Museum offers the visitor insights into the house and its exhibitions that have never been seen before. Especially those interested in art can explore individual works and their artists in depth.