There is a new museum in Potsdam. A museum that makes it to the main news with its spectacular exhibitions. The thjnk-digital team under my creative direction has implemented the website and the social media communication.
All posts filed under “Gesellschaft”

Stronger than violence
Stronger than violence - an initiative of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Women and Youth to outlaw violence against women. As an information architect and UX designer at Edelman, I was on board and designed the content and technical aspects of the initiative's website.

VEOCEL #ItsInOurHands
The #ItsInOurHands initiative paves the way for a new generation of sustainable and biodegradable wipes. Edelman and I, as information architect, UX strategist and designer, have created an information hub for the initiative to exchange ideas with sustainability experts and like-minded people.

German Federal Employment Agency: Typical Me
You can become anything you want! But how can you choose between the thousands of possibilities? This is exactly where the digital campaign of the Federal Employment Agency comes in. And offers a comprehensive and personalizable overview of its consulting services in a hub.

RWE: Taking the lead
Have we actually gone mad? The energy giant RWE was not previously suspected of driving forward the green energy transformation. That has changed fundamentally. This change was to be communicated digitally. At the same time, we wanted to get Germans excited about the future of energy.

German Red Cross: Redesign
SHOPE! YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO A BETTER WORLD. How can we get young people interested, involved and donate to the worldwide humanitarian work of the GRC? In a pitch for the redesign of the GRC website, we looked into this question and found the solution. How would it be if helping was as easy as shopping?

Misereor: Mobilombo
Donations that really work. How can you interest a young target group in Misereor's aid projects in Africa and get them to donate? With ideas that give a new context to the users' lives and familiar mechanisms, it is fun and involves them.